Hey! Word. Hey. Welcome. Hello! So, everything's a fucking mess right now, right? Head's a mess. I feel like a mess. February's almost over, what the fuck happened. Q1's almost done. Got a month left to pull our shit together. I can't even talk. It's all jumbled. Just just jumbled. Honestly, I spent the last week in isolation on the pediatric ward of my daughter.
She was really sick. She's doing okay now. but it pulled me away. It pulled me away from my business and of course I went to the survival mode, disassociate, nothing else matters, just my daughter. Life went on in general and now it's kind of that whole That, that feeling like I've got to catch up, right?
But what's funny is I felt more like I was falling behind and seeing the dip in the accounts and the after holiday hangover and, you know, all these new things, all these new staff I hired, all these new commitments, all these investments I made at the beginning of the year, but yet when I was away and stepped away from my business, And gave space, again referring to like holding on too tightly, where I gave space to appreciate my family and show up in a way that mattered more to me than just running my companies.
I mean, I gotta give myself credit. Like, I've set this shit up where it can now run without me. But having that space allowed me to see just how fucking incredible the work is that I've put in. Like, it's all happening. It's all happening. I still had thousands of dollars come in and then at my school the girls were fully booked and sold out for the event that they ran.
It was a success even though I wasn't there to support. It all, all ran smoothly, everyone had a great fucking time, back to back bookings, they even stayed late, they were so busy. And it just goes to show that when we leave room, abundance can flow. Proof that we've been looking for and searching for and we feel we don't have enough of yet will come.
We gotta get the fuck out of our own way. So this activity today is gonna help you create space so you can allow money, love, clients, whatever it is that you need and are calling in to come your way. Okay, let's fucking, oh this cup is so fitting right now. Let's make magic. All right, let's do it.
Hello! Welcome to the sorority, my wonderful soul sis stars. I'm so happy to have you here, my darlings, my dears. I love you, I see you, and it's your host, obviously, crazy starseed motherfucking Jessica Mystic right here, and today's activity is Simple and sweet. No need to get overwhelmed. No need to feel like you're falling behind.
If you're new to listening to the show, you can go binge the other episodes later. There's lots to catch up on. But, I mean, you can listen to this stuff at any point in any time. And even as an act of divination on what you need right now, you can go to the show. You can check out the episode list and just kind of scroll and whatever jumps out at you, that's your intuition telling you what you need to listen to.
So I just want to drop that in here as a moment of, you don't need to go through this chronologically. Because what's being called to you is what you need to do right now. Don't think that you have to go through and like, study this shit. I know, I know what you're doing! You come in, and you're like, Oh, fuck, she's how many episodes in?
Oh, I gotta go back, I listened to all those frickin listen to those No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you just stay here. You stay here, you stay present, and you do this shit. And if this is what you need to do first, Fuckin this is a good one to start with. So, let's de clutter. We're gonna de clutter some shit. We're gonna do the We always start with an energy assessment.
What is it working? Let that shit go. But this time I want to like, physically talk about decluttering. Cause , we're anonymous for, not anonymous, Notorious. Can't even get the words today. We are notorious for our doom piles and our ability to hoard and hold on to and it's like we have this everlasting fear that if we don't hold on to it or we don't stash it we're gonna lose it right because we come from like either you have trauma or history of like our identity's been taken from us our entire lives it's not been okay or been safe for us to be ourselves we're always being scrutinized or told to appear a certain way to appear neater to appear organized then we get obsessed with organizations if we get obsessed with organization We're going to be able to function properly, but we can't because our minds don't work that way.
And there's nothing wrong with us. There's nothing wrong with you. But when we declutter, especially this is an actionable form of intention, the AI that we want to run in, we want to have this Declutter and create this pathway for abundance to flow because when we are in a cluttered environment, this is when we get triggered.
This is when we feel stressed. This is when we get heightened. We need to have a sacred space in our home to do our work. That's why I have this beautiful office here. If you're watching on YouTube, you can see my office, this space. Now, this desk, this desk is getting a little cluttered and it's not too bad.
I mean, I've got my, what do I got here? Got my Mindful Magic Planner, that's a must have. Got my post it notes. Pen. I always have, like, a crystal book out from whatever I'm going through, feeling called for. So I got a crystal book, and I've got my two notebooks. Now, all of this, not too bad. Actually, this crystal book right now, I'm going to declutter.
I'm going to put it right on the shelf here, as a place. This journal remains. But it's everything that I need to function. It's decluttered. Now if I have a bunch of shit that I've thrown on my desk, and a bunch of stuff that's in the way, that's getting in the way of me operating in my highest version of myself today.
Because you know when like the house cleaners come, or if you've gone on like a spring cleanup? And you've cleaned your fucking kitchen, or like, you've reorganized your cupboards, like, you do a crazy clean, that satisfaction, even, okay, okay, like, you know when you find something so fucking dirty, and you kind of get off on the fact that you're like, when you clean it, you're like, yeah, yeah, like, there's just that, that instant gratification?
Kind of like when we're picking blackheads, watching Pippa Popper videos, like that gratification. You're gonna hear my dog snoring in the background. I didn't have the heart to kick him out of my studio today. If you're on YouTube, you'll be able to see him. There he is. Our little Napa consta. When we are all kinds of cluttered and crazy, it's adding to the chaos.
Now, from this chaos is our ability to create. But we can't create in a space that is overly chaotic or crowded. Like, if you want to create a traditional piece of art, you need the space to do so. You need a space to put your camera, you need a space to put your shit. Like, we get off and setting up for the thing, like, we just like, ooh, getting it all ready, getting all the supplies, laying it all out, making it look nice, watching all those nice little Ikea videos, and the fancy desks, and all the containers, and the art bins, or the ones you see from like, what is that, like Teemu or something, when you're on Instagram, they're showing you all the cute little art carts and shit, where it's like, oh yeah, I love that, but you know damn well.
Whoever's making that fucking art cart, their kid's gonna come along and that shit's gonna be fucked in like 20 minutes. But we get off on that because it, it, it makes us feel, Ooh, we appreciate the aesthetic. It makes us feel clean and organized and like we can function. We feel safe. We feel like we have, we have room to breathe.
We don't feel overwhelmed because when there's, when there's mess, we immediately go to, oh shit, what am I gonna do with this? Okay, I want to do this, but to do this, I have to do that. And if I start doing that, now I have to do this. And that's where it compiles. So we want to declutter. I recommend starting with just one small surface, and then going from there.
Even when it comes to decluttering in terms of cash flow, start with cleaning out your wallet. If your purse is too much, just clean out your wallet. So today you're going to declutter your wallet, because when we declutter our wallet, we're setting the intention that we're creating space and room and taking care of our money.
We respect our money, our money deserves a good home. We are ready to receive and to give money with a clean wallet. We can function, a functional flow to our money. So start with your wallet. Now, you want to get into your purse. I usually do the wallet then the purse, because I can't do one and not the other.
And that, that's good. That's good for today. If you can get your wallet and your purse done, fucking kudos to you. Kudos. I'm not saying you have to go through your whole damn house. That shit feels good once in a while, but you want to do your purse, your wallet and your purse in one day. And then I recommend decluttering wherever it is you make your money.
So if you're working in a studio space, if you've got a storage room upstairs, go organize that shit. That's the shit that you work with. That's the shit that you need to do the work that you do. So put your love and intention. On January I went and did this. I went in there and I was like, okay, I bought an extra shelf and I moved all the stock around and I reorganized it.
So there was better flow. Everyone could find what they needed. It was easier for the girls to count the inventory. And it all made sense, because that's the energy and the love and the system I want in place for energy to flow freely, so we can do the work that we do there, in the way that we do best.
And then, like, taking out recycling and stuff, like, oh, kudos. Kudos and shoutout to my girl Alyssa. She came in and she, she, she went through all the garbage and recycling we had stashed in our doom piles upstairs and got those cleared out, and it feels good. It's wide open up there. Now I'm thinking I should probably just turn that shit into a proper staff room.
Ooh, I should buy a velvet couch. See you when you declutter! You have ideas to play, to grow, right? We get more excited, we don't avoid it. Because when things are too cluttered, we avoid it. Just like sometimes, all I want to do, I like, I crave a, like a day at home. I crave a day at home where I'm in my sweats, and I want to put on a chick flick, I want to watch like, Dirty Dancing, the first one.
Like, that's what I want to do. I want to put on my sweats, my comfies, like my ugly, ratty ass, comfor comfortable sweats. That, I'm not here for looks, I just want to be cozy, I love them, and I want to sit there with my snacks, with the dirty dancing on, and do jack shit. But I can't if I'm sitting in an environment that's messy and there's kids toys on the floor, and then it's like, well I should pick that up, because we are not, we already are going to feel guilty about taking time off for ourselves, because we are addicted to this toxic productivity.
So, if we declutter, and I sit down in that space, and that space is not messy, I'm like, okay, no, this space is good. We have to like, break it up into chunks, right? This space is good, this is the space I'm devoting my time in, there's nothing else to add to it, I can be myself here. But when a room is messy, we avoid it.
Like, if I, if you really think about it, how much time do you spend in your bedroom? I actually don't spend a lot of time in my bedroom because my dresser's messy. And there's a full moon coming, so I refuse to organize my whole dresser and my crystals, take them all back downstairs to bathe them for the full moon.
So I've put in my calendar, I'm going to declutter my dresser. On the full moon, because that's when I cleanse my crystals, and then I can do, I have a, my wheel of the year, and then I set up my intentions and all that. I should do a video on that. So that's what I do, it's more ritualistic for me. So I've set times and rituals where I declutter certain sections or certain items or certain things in my home.
So, We're talking about money and growth. So if you want to declutter in the sense of for your personal growth, what is, what is eating at you and what are you avoiding? Is there an area of your home that you wish you could be present in but you avoid it because it's messy? Because if you want to feel more grounded in your home, if you want to work your hearth magic, or hearth, whatever you want to say, Hearth or hearth magic you want to pour into that that space.
So what is the hearth part of your home for me? It's the main floor. It's the kitchen area. The kids rooms will get messy from time to time. That's fine. That's their space I try not to obsess over it They're pretty good about cleaning it up though. Like my daughter loves when she's got a nice clean room.
In fact, she will organize, she'll declutter her bed and set up all of her stuffies, and then she'll refuse to like move the blankets and just sleep on top of it all with the different blankets so she can appreciate the space she made for herself. That's the level of respect you want to be showing yourself.
Set yourself up somewhere in your home, whether it be an altar, whether it be your dresser, whether it be your kitchen counters, whether it be your ensuite bathroom instead of the main bathroom, or if you have an office, or maybe it's just the front area when you come home and you just want to be able to hang your keys up and be like, ah, I'm home, and that's the space that you need.
Declutter your wallet, declutter your purse, and declutter one sacred space for you. Because when you start the act of decluttering, you are telling the universe that you're getting rid of this stuff that doesn't serve you, you're releasing it, you're letting it go, and you're respecting yourself enough to set yourself up.
for the success, for the feelings that you're anchoring into and calling in. That's what we're doing here. So your activity there is to declutter one small thing. I want to know what it is you chose to declutter. Like take a before and an after. Or like, do like a little time lapse video. I really want to see these.
If you guys are doing this, this is a great thing, by the way, if you want to like, increase engagement or give people some behind the scenes content. Like, throw this shit in your stories. Hello, yes, please tag me, at Jessica Mystic. I want to see your decluttering. I get off on that shit. Makes me feel great.
But, it's such a great reminder. You don't have to go balls to the wall and do your whole home, because that's where we get the over, overwhelm, right? We get the analysis paralysis. Oh man, now I'm out of happy juice. That's where we get all the, it's too much. It's too much, too fast, or we make the lists.
Oh, let's list out all the things that I need to clean up. Like, don't do that shit because once you start listing it, that list is endless. Like you're setting yourself up, you're self sabotaging by knowing you're going to procrastinate by making a list of the things that you want to clean and declutter and then not do it because there's too much to do.
So, start with your wallet. That's what you're going to do. You're going to start with your wallet. And I want to know when you do this, because you're going to see it happen. When you're decluttering, I want you to be saying to yourself, I am the type of person who manifests abundance with every action that I take.
Now, I'm going to shout out to Brenda because this is a mantra that I've been saying. So Brenda Johnston, if you're hearing this or whatever, I want you to know I was listening. But this mantra is one that I've added to my decluttering ritual. And now when I'm saying these things and doing an action to go with it, I am the type of person who manifests abundance with each action that I take, and then I'm taking an action and doing this, and I repeat it during the process of my decluttering, and bam, I get results, a sale will come in, someone will DM me, I want to know more about your trainings.
Some form of abundance and recognition and validation from the universe comes back because what I'm pouring out and allowing and attracting to me. I'm anchoring into that feeling and I know, I know that I am currently taking action. I can't fail and I can't lose if I'm actively participating. If we are choosing to actively participate in creating our own success, we cannot lose.
We only lose when we don't show the fuck up. So this is one small way that I'm, I'm begging you to show the fuck up today. I love you and we'll chat Wednesday.